Skincare Routine

FILED IN: Beauty, Skincare

I am a very regimented person by nature (insert my sister/roommate rolling her eyes while at this moment her bathroom looks like the aftermath of a nuke) and when it comes to my skincare routine, I take it a step further teetering on obsession! Now that I’m in my 30’s, I am starting to see the damage done to my skin from when I was in my early 20’s and I am doing what I can to erase past damage and prevent further damage. Below is my ridiculously detailed and annoyingly long nighttime skincare routine. I’ll break it down for y’all step by step as the order of application is almost as important as the products themselves.

Makeup remover: I have been obsessed with oil cleansers for years now (thanks to that same incredibly messy sister who ironically is a skin care routine psycho) and I’ve tried just about all of them. THIS one is my all-time favorite so far. I use 3-4 pumps in the palm of my hand and massage the oil into my skin until all my makeup is dissolved. Once my makeup is removed, I rinse off the oil with warm water.

Cleanser: For those of y’all asking yourselves if a makeup remover and cleanser are the same, the answer is no! Makeup remover does just that, removes your makeup. Where a cleanser deep cleanses your skin and removes anything the makeup remover might have missed. I use THIS cleanser directly after removing my makeup, it’s gentle but effective.

Exfoliator: Since I have very sensitive skin, I only exfoliate my skin a few times per week. I use my cleanser with THIS Clarisonic about every other day to keep my skin from looking dull and dry.

Serum: I’ve been using THIS anti-aging serum for a little over a year now and love the results. I can see a difference in the overall tone of my skin and I have noticed it has smoothed out the fine lines around my mouth. I apply one drop evenly to my entire face avoiding my eye area, that has its own serum coming next.

Eye Serum: So I wasn’t a believer in eye serum for a long time. I thought my eye cream was enough and there was no need for an extra step. That is until I found THIS eye serum. It has noticeably lightened my dark circles (they’re still bad but a lot better than they were) and helped tighten the lines around my eyes. Ok this is the most important thing you should know about an eye serum. You HAVE to use it under an eye cream. It CANNOT be used alone. It will dry out the skin around your eyes and will leave them looking and feeling worse. Eye serums need the moisture in your eye cream to work properly. You’re better off skipping serum entirely than using it alone.  I heard it explained like this one time and I never forgot the analoy- your eye serum is like SPANX. It only goes on UNDER your clothes, never on top, and you’d never go out in public in just your SPANX. You can go in just your clothes, or clothes with SPANX underneath, but never just your SPANX. So think of your eye serum in the same way.

Eye cream: I really love THIS eye cream. I get dry patches around my eyes and since using this eye cream I haven’t had a single dry spot around my eyes. It also helps keep my concealer from settling into my wrinkles. When our eyes are dehydrated, our concealer sinks right in. Eye cream is very important at night but also important to use in the morning before concealer.

Cream: Ok so when I first started using THIS cream I was obsessed, but after using it for years I convinced myself that it couldn’t really be that great and to save money I started using a more affordable cream. Let me tell you, I regretted this decision greatly. There is a reason it’s so pricey, it’s because this cream is LITERALLY the!!! I started using it again and my skin is back to looking plump, bright, and extremely hydrated. I will find my savings elsewhere.

Sunscreen: I like THIS sunscreen because it isn’t greasy and doesn’t break me out. I’ve tried a ton of different ones and haven’t found one that I love but this one comes closest. I’m still on the hunt for one I’m obsessed with and I’ll be sure to let y’all know if I find a really great one. Until then, any sunscreen that you like and works with your skin type is ok. Sun protection is the most important part of your routine so be sure not to skip this one.

Lip treatment: THIS one is great and really hydrating!

You made it to the end!!! Thank you for listening to me babble on and not giving up on me! I hope y’all enjoyed this post and I will be happy to answer any further questions y’all might have! Thank for stopping by and I love you all dearly!




Comments +

  1. Diana

    May 15th, 2017 at 8:52 pm

    I’ve always wanted to try La Mer. I’ve heard so many positive reviews on it.

  2. Louanne

    May 15th, 2017 at 9:17 pm

    Great post!

  3. Hannah

    May 16th, 2017 at 10:09 am

    Love the cosmetic case! What’s the name of it?

  4. Olivia

    May 19th, 2017 at 1:24 pm

    Nice BB!

  5. Laurie

    May 16th, 2017 at 10:22 am

    Did you ever try the La Mer eye cream? I noticed you use a lot of their products except that one. I love the cream but and wanted to try the eye cream but haven’t found someone who has recommend it. Thanks!!!

  6. Olivia

    May 19th, 2017 at 1:23 pm

    I did and I wasn’t a fan. It want quite moisturizing enough and my eyes felt dehydrated.

  7. Christine

    May 18th, 2017 at 9:48 am

    Great picks!

  8. Ingrid

    May 19th, 2017 at 10:38 am

    Love the LV case!

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